North Stonington Christian Academy offers your children a quality education in a distinctly Christian atmosphere.

Enrolling Now For Grades Pre-K-12
NSCA is still accepting new enrollments for the school year.
Call to make your appointment today!
Traditional Christian values and character building using ABeka Curriculum supplemented with other Christian materials.


Middle School
High School
Art, Music, Chorus, Home Economics, Speech, Library, Media, Graphic Design, Yearbook/Photography, Community Service (May change from year to year)

At North Stonington Christian Academy, regular attendance of all students is expected. Regularity and punctuality are important in the student’s character development. As an educational institution, NSCA exercises certain procedures in order to standardize and insure quality education for all students.
Excessive absences or tardiness, whether excused or unexcused, have a negative effect on a child’s school learning accomplishment. Total absences for a school year should not exceed 32 days. Absences in excess of this number may require the repeating of a grade.
Excused Absences:
- a) Personal illness with or without a doctor’s excuse, but only with a written excuse from home
- b) Death in the immediate family
- c) Doctor/Dental appointments (please make an effort to schedule these appointments, if at all possible, during times other than school hours).
Unexcused Absences:
Before and After School Care
NSCA offers a state-licensed Before and After Care program. Before Care is available from 7:30-8:30 AM, and After-Care is available from 3:00-5:00 PM. Only students from paying families officially enrolled in the Before and After Care programs may be included. The fee in addition to regular monthly tuition is $5 per hour. Parents must submit appropriate paperwork to enroll their students in this program (see Before and After Care Enrollment Application form under Enrollment section). Students remain in a designated classroom with designated staff–no unsupervised wandering will be allowed regardless of the student’s age. Students must provide their own snacks. Parents are required to be prompt in pick-up time. Please notify Mrs. Wilkinson or the school office to make arrangements for this service for your family. Children enrolled in after care may change clothes after school. They may do homework during this time as well as being involved in recreation or sports.
Summer Care
NSCA provides a summer care program during much of the summer for children whose parents require child care during the summer months. Children are involved in supervised activities including games, crafts, swimming, sports, story times, and field trips. Cost is determined based on hours attended. For more information, contact the school office.
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)

Regular PTF meetings are held monthly. These meetings are for parents, teachers, and friends of the Academy, and are an opportunity to keep current on all that is going on at the school. Meetings will generally be held after school from 3:00-4:00 on the second Tuesday of each month from October through May. Occasionally a meeting might be scheduled for the evening to provide for those who cannot attend in the afternoon. Advance notice will be given.
The purpose of our Parent Teacher Fellowship is:
- To aquaint both parent and teacher with the philosophy of Christian Education.
- To aquaint both parent and teacher with the importance of recognizing and adequately coping with the emotional, spiritual, and disciplinary needs of the child.
- To provide an opportunity for parent and teacher to know and fellowship with one another.
- To enhance the school’s ministry.
- To provide special project nights and programs for the children.
- To plan PTF events and fundraisers.